Hinduism The eternal tradition edition by David Frawley Religion Spirituality eBooks Herunterladen Hinduism%20The%20eternal%20tradition%20%20edition%20by%20David%20Frawley%20Religion%20Spirituality%20eBooks
Herunterladen Hinduism The eternal tradition edition by David Frawley Religion Spirituality eBooks VSW
The present volume is a series of reflections, as well as questions and answers, on Sanatana Dharma, the universal tradition behind Hinduism and the yogic spirituality that derives from it.
It is not about Hinduism as a religious belief as opposed to others (which exists more in the minds of non-Hindus than in the minds of those we would consider themselves to be Hindus). Yet it does recognize the value and importance of the Hindu tradition and its special corpus of knowledge. It is meant to present Hinduism in its true light, which is a spiritual art and science designed to connect us to our original nature as Pure Consciousness.
ebook,David Frawley,Hinduism The eternal tradition,VOICE OF INDIA,RELIGION / Hinduism,RELIGION / Philosophy
Hinduism The eternal tradition edition by David Frawley Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews :
It is not about Hinduism as a religious belief as opposed to others (which exists more in the minds of non-Hindus than in the minds of those we would consider themselves to be Hindus). Yet it does recognize the value and importance of the Hindu tradition and its special corpus of knowledge. It is meant to present Hinduism in its true light, which is a spiritual art and science designed to connect us to our original nature as Pure Consciousness.
ebook,David Frawley,Hinduism The eternal tradition,VOICE OF INDIA,RELIGION / Hinduism,RELIGION / Philosophy
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